Do we really need a Timesheet to accelerate productivity?
Certainly! A fast-paced business environment demands a timesheet to figure out where their resources are spent.
When you think what’s timesheet, in simple terms what comes to your mind is that data that reflects time utilized by the artists. It may sound simple but has massive potential inside it.
Let’s have a brief look at it!
The first benefit of using a timesheet is getting transparency. Transparency is not just a word, it’s a concept to drive the business successfully.
The artists, supervisors, producers, and all key persons are aware of what’s going on in the production every day. The artists themselves become responsible for their own performance by entering the timesheet updates, which would be very effective during their appraisal. Being answerable due to transparency, the artists keep themselves more engaged and focused on the tasks assigned and the fixed target.
From the perspective of the Supervisor, it is very easy to analyze the performance then and thereby sniffing out the timesheet regularly. When the timesheet compares with Dailies, the Supervisor can identify irregularities, if any. The Supervisors have the access to deny in case of inappropriate entries given by artists. Regular tracking helps to guide the artists and improve their efficiency, which indirectly reflects an increase in productivity.
You may think now does it play any role in improving Project Management. Of course, a vital role the timesheet plays here.
Though the expected positive ramification of Project Management is enhancing productivity, you may need to go a long way to achieve this, but an organized way is a shortcut to achieve it.
The timesheet helps you to keep organized and focused. By tracking how long hours are utilized by an artist for a specific task assigned, Supervisor can determine how productive the artist is and whether the artist is suitable to move with the project.
Determining a suitable artist based on ProjectWise is imperative in managing the projects. Right artists save a lot of time and avoid unnecessary delays. Saving time is saving financially. Proper utilization of time results in proper invoicing too.
Leave taken and future leaves availed by the artists display in the timesheet. This helps the Supervisor while planning the schedule of the existing and new projects. Based on the leaves, the tasks can be allotted and re-scheduled, if necessary.
At a glimpse of a timesheet, the supervisor, Producers, and the key persons can grasp the entire day’s production data effortlessly, which would assist in making the next day a super productive day.
How to track an individual artist’s performance using a 2dview timesheet?
Using a timesheet, you can visualize the entries of all artists in the timesheet on a day-to-day basis. This enables the supervisors to track what has been completed for the day, who has completed and how much task has been accomplished for the day.
When a Supervisor wants to monitor a specific artist’s performance on a regular basis, just a click on the search bar and choosing the particular artist name would reveal the data of tasks accomplished, datewise.
How can a producer isolate desired showtime logs from vast entries in 2dview Timesheet?
Either you have one big project or multiple projects, wherein many artists are engaged on a regular basis, tracking them becomes a challenging task. In such cases, a timesheet makes the challenging task a simple one.
The desired showtime logs can be isolated easily from vast entries by using the filter option provided in the timesheet. Just click on the filter, select the desired show from the dropdown and view the intended results.
How can a supervisor view time logs constraint to a specific task type of a required show in 2dview Timesheet?
Viewing time logs not only use to track the artists but also beneficial to track the progress of the task allotted.
Instead of scrolling and wasting the time looking for a particular task type, go to the filter provided in the timesheet, wherein you have options to filter out based on desired Shows, Tasks, and Departments. Using the filter helps to narrow down your search results. Choosing one specific or multiple tasks / Departments also possible by selecting from dropdowns.
In this way, using the filter, you can view time logs constraint to a specific task of a required show.
Can a Resource Manager monitor employees’ availability using a 2dview Timesheet?
In the User Interface of Resource Manager, a timesheet has been included along with attendance management.
Monitoring the activities from the perspective of the Resource Manager ensures discipline in the organization. It avoids distractions among employees.
This tracking keeps the Resource Manager aware of hours utilized, overtime of artists, and so on. Also, the leave taken and future leaves availed by the artists display in the timesheet helps during the payroll process.
How does a 2dview Timesheet help supervisor to keep track of all tasks in day-to-day production?
Since the timesheet displays everyday activities of the artists that take place in the production related to the tasks assigned, it leads Supervisors to be more responsible and keeps engaged in monitoring the data updated by the artists, instead of standing behind the artists.
Keep an eye over the data provided by the artists without moving here and there to get the details and ensure a proper way of tracking, comfortably.
Clicking on the timesheet, select the required date from the calendar, usually the landing page gets you the current date, and find all tasks progress updates date-wise.
Timesheet allows to understand the hours utilization of the employees in real time via the transparency logs which keeps the Supervisors to track them and monitor their projects simultaneously which results in reducing projects’ costs and accelerating the productivity.
To know more on Timesheet, click here
Also take a look at the short video on youtube:
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